World's first computer-generated 3D animation

Produced in 1972 and is believed to be the world's first computer-generated 3D animation:
This historical video was recently re-discovered after being lost for many years. It was created by Ed Catmull, a true pioneer of 3D technology, who was a computer scientist at the University of Utah (birthplace of the famous Utah teapot.) founders of Pixar.

First 3D Animation in a Film:

Notice the rotating palm and face made of polygons. It's a world's first 3D animation rendered in 1972 by Ed Catmull and Fred Parke -- at that time young scientists at the University of Utah. 4 years later this animation was eventually discovered by some Hollywood exec and included into the 1976 sci-fi movie Futureworld. Today Ed Catmull is known as a co-founded and president of Pixar Studios.

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