"Green Living Short Film / La Vie En Vert Short Film" by ESMA
CGI 3D Animated Short Film Green Living Short Film / La Vie En Vert Short Film by ESMA - Victor Besse, Sébastien Camrrubi, Valentin Dornel, Benoît Maillet, Philippe Moine. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/
A green spadger dreams with all his heart to become an elegant flamingo. He will have to count on the help of his friends...
Directors : Victor BESSE, Sébastien CAMRRUBI, Valentin DORNEL, Benoît MAILLET, Philippe MOINE.
Music & Sound : José Vicente - Studio des aviateurs
Animation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the school ESMA http://www.esma-artistique.com/