CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Hors Champ Short Film / Offscreen Short Film by ESMI - Bordeaux - Etienne Massot, Noémie Blanc, Simon Diaz, Armelle Lamaud, Tom Piguet, Victoria Tholozan. Featured on "In an idyllic farm, standards and differences…
TheCGBros presents "The Pioneers of the Universe" - During the 1960’s USSR space race, Macha, and Vassily secretly builds a rocket… Directors: BENJAMIN BERNON, MATHIEU GUEVEL, ANTHONY REGE, CLEMENTINE COURBIN, JEROME VAN BENEDENEtudiants spécialistes / Specialists students: ARTHUR FOURNIER, FLORIAN…
Brian, your typical 21st century hipster, is struggling with a common mobile addiction. Absorbed by the modern day technology, he finds himself incapable of enjoying the beautiful world that surrounds him. Brian’s multiple encounters with reality are disrupted by his…
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Hewn Short Film by The Animation School - Kelly McCarter, Toni Andrews, Dayaan Abarder, Tyler Solomon, Sebastian Kristiansen, Kent Mayne, Kyle Maier,. Featured on A wooden father struggles to support his beloved metal child…
Watch this moving 3D animated short called "Altelier", the story of a a struggling painter trying to overcome a difficult situation that meets a curious girl with an attitude that could not be more different from his! Are her positivity…
Watch this moving **Award-Winning** 3D animated short called "Pakan", the story of a young man who goes on a treacherous journey to save his tribe from extinction as a never-ending drought has changed the world forever! It has become a…
Check out this CGI & VFX Short Film - “At the top of a tower higher than the clouds, in the middle of a storm, two colleagues are faced with a strange phenomenon in the sky.” Director: CLAIRE LE TEUFF,…
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Fauche qui peut Short Film | The Grim Reaper Short Film by ArtFx School - Marie Levasseur, Lucas Saint-martin, Jehiel Abel, Ael Nosmas, Emmanuel Cutillas, Anthony Spitaels. Featured on “The Grim Reaper, trying to…